Boom Force Toilet Cleaning Gel

Your Cleaning Muscle! Protects and Cleans for 24 hours, Disinfects, Removes Stains and Freshens.


Product info

Boom Force Toilet Cleaning Gel is designed to muscle away household stains, kill bacteria and ensure your toilet bowl remains clean, fresh and germ free. Its new reformulation features an improved fragrance, thicker gel viscosity which enables longer contact time and improved germ killing. Its antibacterial and stain removal agents ensure a hygienic bathroom while its powerful stain remover eliminates dirt, rust and slime from urinals and toilet bowls. Boom Force Toilet Cleaning Gel’s powerful cleansing action leaves surfaces clean and free from stains, disinfects as it cleans, brightens the toilet bowl and leaves a fresh odour after application. Boom Force Toilet Cleaning Gel kills 99.9% of bathroom bacteria and viruses and the thick formula adheres to stains for better cleaning, leaving your entire toilet bowl clean, deodorized and disinfected.